Growing with the Organic Movement:: Perspectives from WWOOF Farms in the USA by Camille B Glenn
Growing with the Organic Movement:: Perspectives from WWOOF Farms in the USA by Camille B Glenn PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Growing with the Organic Movement provides an inside look at numerous small organic farms across America through shared stories from the WWOOF [ Worldwide Opportunities on Organic Farms] farm hosts. These farmers are applying sustainable living principles on their farms to create healthy lifestyles and are sharing their knowledge with eager volunteers who travel from all over the world to experience organic farming and sustainable living first hand through the WWOOF organization. These traveling WWOOFers of all ages currently do work exchanges on well over 1600 US farms -and their numbers are growing every day. GROWING WITH THE ORGANIC MOVEMENT looks into the unique culture of WWOOFing, primarily through the eyes and experiences of these WWOOF farm hosts across America, while also offering some information regarding the volunteer WWOOFers, and exploring the relationship of WWOOF to the organic movement and sustainable living. If you are an organic farmer-rural or urban, or if you are transitioning into organic agriculture, or even just considering this, you will learn what experienced farmers have already experienced though their participation in the WWOOF programs. Readers can gain insight into being or becoming successful farm hosts, and volunteers will have a better understanding of what to expect from their WWOOF experiences. "Growing with the Organic Movement is an excellent how-to guide to being a WWOOF host, answering questions such as what to expect, how to connect with great WWOOFers, and how to have a mutually enriching experience - all from firsthand accounts given by WWOOF hosts. WWOOF-USA highly recommends this book as a must-read for any aspiring (or current) hosts or WWOOFers." Sarah Potenza, Executive Director, WWOOF USA "Camille offers some great insight about the entire experience of WWOOFing, not only through a Hosts eyes but with the volunteers as well. This book is a great tool for current Hosts and farmers thinking about being Hosts. Camille covers many of the challenges of being a Host and also talks about the ways to be a successful Host. Reading this book can save future WWOOF Host lots of time and frustration, due to trial and error associated with managing a farm and volunteers. If you're a Host, a WWOOFer, or have ever thought about volunteering on a farm, this book will prepare you for making the most out of your WWOOF experience." Jonathan, Administrator, WWOOF HAWAIIFrom reader reviews:
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