Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

PDF⋙ Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence by Dale Peterson, Richard Wrangham

Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence by Dale Peterson, Richard Wrangham

Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence

Demonic Males: Apes and the Origins of Human Violence by Dale Peterson, Richard Wrangham PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Whatever their virtues, men are more violent than women. Why do men kill, rape, and wage war, and what can we do about it? Drawing on the latest discoveries about human evolution and about our closest living relatives, the great apes, Demonic Males offers some startling new answers. Dramatic, vivid, and firmly grounded in meticulous research, this book will change the way you see the world. As the San Francisco Chronicle said, it "dares to dig for the roots of a contentious and complicated subject that makes up much of our daily news."

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