Weyl Transforms (Universitext) by M.W. Wong
Weyl Transforms (Universitext) by M.W. Wong PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
A study of the functional analytic properties of Weyl transforms as bounded linear operators on $ L2ü(äBbb Rünü) $ in terms of the symbols of the transforms. Further, the boundedness, the compactness, the spectrum and the functional calculus of the Weyl transform are proved in detail, while new results and techniques on the boundedness and compactness of the Weyl transforms in terms of the symbols in $ Lrü(äBbb Rü2nü) $ and in terms of the Wigner transforms of Hermite functions are given. The roles of the Heisenberg group and the symplectic group in the study of the structure of the Weyl transform are explained, and the connections of the Weyl transform with quantization are highlighted throughout the book. Localisation operators, first studied as filters in signal analysis, are shown to be Weyl transforms with symbols expressed in terms of the admissible wavelets of the localisation operators. The results and methods mean this book is of interest to graduates and mathematicians working in Fourier analysis, operator theory, pseudo-differential operators and mathematical physics.From reader reviews:
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