Kamis, 02 Juli 2015

PDF⋙ The Ukelele Chordist (The Ukulele Playlist)

The Ukelele Chordist (The Ukulele Playlist)

The Ukelele Chordist (The Ukulele Playlist)

The Ukelele Chordist (The Ukulele Playlist) PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The Ukulele Chordlist is the essential chord book for ukulele players of every level, and the perfect companion book to the best-selling Ukulele Playlist series. Contains: * A massive collection of chords grouped by key * Multiple voicings for every chord * Instant, easy chord reference * Chord shapes suitable for every style of music * Easy to read diagrams in a variety of fret positions * Handy chord sequence suggestions * Moveable chord shapes

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