Wills, Trusts, and Estates for Legal Assistants by Gerry W. Beyer, John K. Hanft
Wills, Trusts, and Estates for Legal Assistants by Gerry W. Beyer, John K. Hanft PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Wills, Trusts, and Estates for Legal Assistants, Third Edition, continues to provide students with comprehensive coverage of Wills, Trusts, and Estates through the use of hundreds of real-world examples. Students study real life circumstances and read detailed explanations of situations and their outcomes that not only help them to understand rules of law, but show them how they apply the law in practical terms.
This invaluable teaching tool:
- uses a “learning by doing” approach, with an emphasis on examples, applications, and exercises
- provides detailed coverage of intestate succession, wills, estate administration, nonprobate transfers, trusts, and other estate planning concerns, including tax issues and malpractice
- employs an extensive pedagogy reinforcing the discussions in each chapter, with marginal terms, ethical points, checklists, practice tips, sample forms, and a glossary of terms
- offers an effective Instructor's Manual that includes a summary of chapters, a model course outline, exam questions, assignment ideas, exercises, comprehensive examples and explanations, and a research guide for wills, trusts, and estates
While retaining the structure and content of the successful second edition, the Third Edition has been thoroughly updated to reflect recent developments and trends, including coverage of:
- tortious interference with an expectancy
- transfer on death deeds
- self-settled spendthrift trusts
- Federal Gift, Estate, and Generation Skipping Transfer Tax
- rights of same-sex partners
- Medicaid planning
- physician-assisted suicide
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