Rabu, 09 Desember 2015

PDF⋙ The Bobby Jones Way: Swing Secrets of Golf's All-Time Power-Control Player by John Andrisani

The Bobby Jones Way: Swing Secrets of Golf's All-Time Power-Control Player by John Andrisani

The Bobby Jones Way: Swing Secrets of Golf's All-Time Power-Control Player

The Bobby Jones Way: Swing Secrets of Golf's All-Time Power-Control Player by John Andrisani PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lessons From the Master

After making golf history by winning the 1930 Grand Slain and having won thirteen of the twenty-seven major championships he entered, Bobby Jones retired at the tender age of twenty-eight-the most dominant player of his generation. Even in the Tiger Woods era, the legend of Bobby Jones lives on and continues to guide future generations of golfers.

In The Bobby Jones Way, acclaimed golf writer John Andrisani analyzes Jones's powerful, near perfect swing and flawless execution to show you, regardless of your level of play, how you can benefit from insights into Jones's driving, pitching, chipping, and putting techniques.

After watching countless hours of footage showing Jones swinging the club, and through interviews with Jim McLean and other top-rated instructors, Andrisani was able to break the code and make new discoveries about Jones's unique method.

The Bobby Jones Way includes fully illustrated instructional insights that go far beyond the elements of the swing and thus will serve as your guidebook to improvement. The book also traces Jones's learning process and teaches you how to hit creative shots, including Jones's bread-and-butter supercontrolled power draw, and provides you with techniques to save vital strokes. Andrisani also looks at what was so special about Jones's course-management skills, and teaches you how to cure swing and shot-making problems on the practice tee as Jones did, so you can become a more complete player and enjoy the game more.

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