Why We Never Danced the Charleston by Harlan Greene
Why We Never Danced the Charleston by Harlan Greene PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
“Old stories never end; they just come down the generations to resolve themselves among the living.” The scene is Charleston, South Carolina; the time, the 1920s, when old ladies dream of the past and a strange new dance, “the Charleston,” is seducing the youth of the city. Years later, whispers emerge of something baffling and tragic that happened back then. As an old man confronts those demanding the truth, we catch brilliant flashes of the confrontation between the dark, doomed Hirsch Hess, son of immigrants, and the fantastically ethereal Ned Grimke, a scion of the city. Told in intoxicatingly beautiful prose, this story of passion, beauty and the deadly effects of sexual repression takes us to a specific time and place, yet simultaneously blossoms as a universal tale of the human heart in conflict with its era. This cult classic, set in the most intriguing period of one of America’s most beautiful cities, is now restored to print with an afterword by its author that traces theFrom reader reviews:
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