Sabtu, 05 September 2015

PDF⋙ Grand Adventures by Alastair Humphreys

Grand Adventures by Alastair Humphreys

Grand Adventures

Grand Adventures by Alastair Humphreys PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

‘Enthusiastic, pleasingly madcap’ Geographical

Adventure – something that’s new and exhilarating, outside your comfort zone. Adventures change you and how you see the world, and all you need is an open mind, bags of enthusiasm and boundless curiosity.

So what’s a GRAND ADVENTURE – it is the most life-changing, career-enhancing, personality-forging, fun adventure of your life.

Following on from his popular Microadventures, in Grand Adventures Alastair Humphreys shines a spotlight on the real-life things that get in the way: stuff like time, money or your other commitments. Grand Adventures is also crammed with hard-won wisdom from people who have actually been there and done that: by boat and boot, car and kayak, bicycle and motorbike. People who had one epic trip then returned to normal life, or who got bitten so badly by the bug that they devoted their life to the pursuit of adventure. Young people, old people. Men, women. Mates, couples, families. Extraordinary, inspiring people. People like you.

Saving your pennies, overcoming inertia, generating momentum, getting out the front door: if you want it enough, you can do it.

Tiny steps to a grand adventure.

Are you in?

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