Rabu, 24 Juni 2015

PDF⋙ Napoleon Against Great Odds: The Emperor and the Defenders of France, 1814 by Ralph Ashby

Napoleon Against Great Odds: The Emperor and the Defenders of France, 1814 by Ralph Ashby

Napoleon Against Great Odds: The Emperor and the Defenders of France, 1814

Napoleon Against Great Odds: The Emperor and the Defenders of France, 1814 by Ralph Ashby PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

This revisionist history offers a fresh analysis of Napoleon and the French army as they defended their empire against the massive Coalition invasion of 1814.

• 20 drawings, engravings, and paintings, primarily from the 19th century

• Maps depicting the invasion of France, Napoleon's 1814 campaign, and the Battle for Paris

• Charts and tables examining some of the French regiments, including information regarding age, physical size, and civilian occupations of recruits

• A bibliography of general works, monographs, and archival sources

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