Sabtu, 16 Mei 2015

PDF⋙ Osip Mandel'stam and His Age: A Commentary on the Themes of War and Revolution in the Poetry, 1913-1923 (Slavic Monograph) by Steven Broyde

Osip Mandel'stam and His Age: A Commentary on the Themes of War and Revolution in the Poetry, 1913-1923 (Slavic Monograph) by Steven Broyde

Osip Mandel'stam and His Age: A Commentary on the Themes of War and Revolution in the Poetry, 1913-1923 (Slavic Monograph)

Osip Mandel'stam and His Age: A Commentary on the Themes of War and Revolution in the Poetry, 1913-1923 (Slavic Monograph) by Steven Broyde PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

The increasing availability of Mandel'stam's work in the West has awakened widespread, serious interest in his poetry. Mandel'stam's importance as a major twentieth-century poet hardly needs to be argued at this time, yet for this very reason it is important to furnish a concrete, factual examination of the poems on which this reputation is based. By analyzing in careful detail a number of Mandel'stam's poems written between 1913 and 1923, a crucial period in Russian history and in the poet's career as well, Steven Broyde uncovers Mandel'stam's persistent themes and his characteristic poetic method.

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