Senin, 20 April 2015

PDF⋙ Amazing Bible Race, Runner's Reader, Leg 3: Wisdom: JobSolomon by Abingdon Youth Abingdon Press

Amazing Bible Race, Runner's Reader, Leg 3: Wisdom: JobSolomon by Abingdon Youth Abingdon Press

Amazing Bible Race, Runner's Reader, Leg 3: Wisdom: JobSolomon

Amazing Bible Race, Runner's Reader, Leg 3: Wisdom: JobSolomon by Abingdon Youth Abingdon Press PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Your youth will go on a scavenger hunt through the Bible and read it in its entirety over six 12-week legs. How many times have you wished your youth knew more of the Bible? Sure, they can give you a rundown of the some familiar stories; but when was the last time they looked at the Bible as a scavenger-hunt, digging and searching for new discoveries to open up their faith? The Amazing Bible Race was created with that in mind.

Teams will work together to solve weekly challenges, encourage one another, and build community as you all “race” toward this goal. The Amazing Bible Race is less like a sprint and more like a marathon, building knowledge, endurance, and faith with every chapter read. Groups accrue points and at the end of the official Race the top ten point getters receive $500 toward a mission organization of their choice or towards their youth missions program.

The Amazing Bible Race is a 6-volume scavenger hunt through the Bible for youth groups. The race has six legs through different sections of the Bible and promises excitement and new discoveries as youth live into the sacred stories.

Each leg includes a daily reader for every runner and a CD-Rom leader's guide with everything a "race director" needs, including website registration. Runners will be assigned to teams and will support one another in the daily readings and work together to complete "Weekly Challenges," "Fast Forwards," and "Hurdles."

The program includes a web component, with both administration and publicity features. Administration tools help youth workers manage the race, coordinate weekly challenge turn-in, send e-mail reminders, and tally points. Publicity tools help build excitement, allow teams to check their standings against other youth groups, upload photos of teams "running" the race; and it allows teams to challenge another youth group for a one-on-one race.

Teams get points for daily reading, completing the Weekly Challenge, accomplishing any Fast Forwards, and jumping over any Hurdles. Points are turned in and tallied on the website. Race directors are encouraged to celebrate the "finish line" of each leg with a party and a recognition of the winning team.

The six legs of the race are
Leg 1―Law: Genesis―Deuteronomy
Leg 2―History: Joshua―Esther
Leg 3―Wisdom: Job―Song of Solomon
Leg 4―Prophets: Isaiah―Malachai
Leg 5―Gospel and the Early Church: Matthew―Acts
Leg 6―Letters and Prophecy: Romans―Revelation

Check out the race at

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