Senin, 26 Januari 2015

PDF⋙ Preface to Marketing Management by J. Paul Peter, Jr, James Donnelly

Preface to Marketing Management by J. Paul Peter, Jr, James Donnelly

Preface to Marketing Management

Preface to Marketing Management by J. Paul Peter, Jr, James Donnelly PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Preface to Marketing Management, 13e, by Peter and Donnelly, is praised in the market for its organization, format, clarity, brevity and flexibility. The thirteenth edition serves as an overview for critical issues in marketing management. Its brief, inexpensive, paperback format makes it a perfect fit for instructors who assign cases, readings, simulations or offer modules on marketing management for MBA students. The text also works in courses that implement a cross-functional curriculum where the students are required to purchase several texts.

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