Sabtu, 06 Desember 2014

PDF⋙ Lead: Chemistry, Analytical Aspects, Environmental Impact and Health Effects

Lead: Chemistry, Analytical Aspects, Environmental Impact and Health Effects

Lead: Chemistry, Analytical Aspects, Environmental Impact and Health Effects

Lead: Chemistry, Analytical Aspects, Environmental Impact and Health Effects PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Lead covers the salient aspects of the chemistry of lead, its environmental impact, and its effects on health.

The technical, economic and social importance of Lead, at the present time, is beyond all doubt. However, over the last few decades little attention has been given to its behaviour (the properties and applications of its compounds, the environmental distribution of these derivatives, and their impacts on living creatures), this book addresses that gap.

It includes coverage of historical aspects, lead mining and production, metal properties, common lead compounds, uses of lead and its derivatives, coordination chemistry, organometallic chemistry, environmental chemistry, toxicity mechanisms, and treatment strategies for lead poisoning. Finally, describing analytical procedures for the determination of lead in chemical, biological and environmental samples.

  • Written by a team of university teachers and researchers with extensive experience in the fields of the chemistry, analytical determination and environmental and health impact of lead and other heavy metals
  • For readers interested in the chemistry and biochemistry of lead and its effects on ecosystems
  • Provides comprehensive knowledge about lead toxicity and preventive measures against lead poisoning

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