Calder: An Autobiography with Pictures by Alexander Calder
Calder: An Autobiography with Pictures by Alexander Calder PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
From the rear cover of this 288 page book: "Alexander Calder - artist, creator of stabile and mobile sculptures, marvelous juggler of form and space - needs no introduction. With the casual informality loved by his intimates, the man who changed the direction of art in our time tells the story of his life and work in his 1966 autobiography. In the new introduction for this edition, Jean Davidson, Calder's son-in-law, speaks of this innovative artist's life, revealing glimpses of the man, his art, and his sense of approaching death." Also from the rear cover: "The product is straight Calder, unpretentious, innocent, naively witty, filled with memories of good times, earthiness, bad puns and occasional swipes at past offenders - With its abundant store of pictures - both his works and the many people close to him - the book communicates something of his genius, which has been always to shape and thereby enrich the space through which his life has projected."From reader reviews:
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