Senin, 09 Juni 2014

PDF⋙ Earth Hour by David Malouf

Earth Hour by David Malouf

Earth Hour

Earth Hour by David Malouf PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

A breathtaking new volume of poetry from an Australian literary icon, David Malouf’s first full volume of poetry since Typewriter Music once again shows us why he is one of Australia’s most enduring and respected writers. Earth Hour comes to rest at the perfect, still moment of “silence, following talk” after its exploration of memory, imagination, and mortality. With elegance and wit, these poems move from profound depths to whimsy and playfulness. As Malouf interweaves light and dark, levity and gravity, he offers a vision of life on “this patch/ of earth and its green things,” charting the resilience of beauty amid stubborn human grace.

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