Kamis, 08 Mei 2014

PDF⋙ Six Tissot Cards (Dover Postcards) by James Tissot

Six Tissot Cards (Dover Postcards) by James Tissot

Six Tissot Cards (Dover Postcards)

Six Tissot Cards (Dover Postcards) by James Tissot PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad

Known for his charming illustrations of Victorian life, James Tissot (1836–1902) was also a caricaturist for Vanity Fair, a fashionable portrait painter, and after 1888―a painter of biblical subjects. Six of Tissot's most successful paintings from his secular period appear in this splendid card collection, among them Le Banc de jardin (1882), Portsmouth Dockyard (1877), Mlle L. L. (Jeune Femme en veste rouge) (1864), and three others. Perfect for sending notes to art-loving friends, these striking cards can also be framed and used as decorative accents.

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