Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe (New Approaches to European History) by Merry E. Wiesner
Women and Gender in Early Modern Europe (New Approaches to European History) by Merry E. Wiesner PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
This is a major new edition of a stimulating and authoritative book. Merry Wiesner has updated and expanded her prize-winning study; she has added new sections on topics such as sexuality, masculinity, the impact of colonialism, and women's role as consumers. Other themes investigated include the female life cycle, literacy, women's economic role, artistic creation, female piety--and witchcraft--and the relationship between gender and power. Accessible, engrossing, and lively, this book will be of central importance for those interested in gender history, early modern Europe, and comparative history.From reader reviews:
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