Cassandra's Daughter: A History of Psychoanalysis by Joseph Schwartz
Cassandra's Daughter: A History of Psychoanalysis by Joseph Schwartz PDF, ePub eBook D0wnl0ad
Psychoanalysis is arguably the most important intellectual development of the twentieth century; words like repressed, neurotic, ego, and paranoid are now part of our everyday vernacular. In Cassandra's Daughter, Joseph Schwartz presents the history of psychoanalysis from its origins in the nineteenth-century to the present day. Schwartz explains the pre-Freudian approaches to mental illness, Freud's own theories, and the controversies provoked by Freudian thought in the analytic community. He then focuses on Freud's colleagues, rivals, successors, and detractors including Carl Jung, Alfred Adler, Harry Stack Sullivan, Melanie Klein, and Erich Fromm. Schwartz contextualizes rival schools and interpretations as well as probing the relationship between psychoanalysis, physics, and biology, while debunking the criticism that psychoanalysis is not a legitimate science.From reader reviews:
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